(Episode 25) How to Manage Stress to Experience More Joy

by Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac. & Salvador Cefalu, M.S., L.Ac.

Enrollment for the From Surviving to Thriving online course reopens for a limited time on August 1-18, 2023. Click here to join the VIP waitlist and get your FREE eBook, 3 Toxic Beliefs That Keep You Stuck in Survival Mode.

In the previous episode we discussed the perils of excessive Heart Fire, but the Heart is also associated with other powerful emotions like joy, passion, love, creativity, and altruism.

We experience these aspects of an open Heart through a calm and centered presence, which can sometimes seem unattainable or unreachable.

In this episode we discuss a powerful way to help you achieve a balanced state in your Heart, and in doing so, you’ll experience more joy. 

The main stressors of life are ever-present and stress is a natural and necessary part of our livelihood. In the morning, the stress hormone cortisol helps us wake up and fuel the start of our day, although high levels of cortisol can cause anxiety and discomfort. Stress in general can trigger and enable us to accomplish and move so it is needed to a certain degree. 

The question becomes how we can manage this stress so it doesn't dominate our life?

One key aspect is the Heart-Kidney relationship (discussed in a previous episode) that’s usually affected by an imbalance of stress in our lives. In order to harmonize the Heart-Kidney relationship, the in-between Wood element needs to be addressed.

Wood is a very reactive energy that needs to be tempered with harmonization of the Liver and relaxation of the nervous system.

Since the associated Liver organ of the Wood element helps with the smooth flow of Qi or energy, it essentially tempers the stress response, allowing you to settle your Heart and experience more joy.

Calming your Liver Qi changes your reactivity and allows you to cultivate peace that improves the quality of your life. 

Want to learn easy ways to calm your Liver so you can bring more joy & calm to your life—even during the most turbulent times?
Join us for the From Surviving to Thriving online course. 2023 enrollment begins for a limited time on August 1st!
Click here to join the VIP waitlist and get your FREE eBook, 3 Toxic Beliefs that Keep You Stuck in Survival Mode, now!