A Comfort Food to Heal Your Gut & Slow Aging

by Salvador Cefalu, M.S., L.Ac.

In Chinese culture, porridge, known as congee, is an essential food for health and rejuvenation.

Congee is essentially a thick soup that can be made using a variety of different grains and sometimes legumes such as adzuki and mung beans.

Though rice is traditionally the most common grain used for this soup, millet and barley are common substitutes because of their unique therapeutic properties.

Millet has the ability to nourish the Yin of the Lungs and Stomach to support hydration and barley is used to nourish blood, cool the Liver and strengthen the digestive system when there is bloating and a weak appetite. Barley can also help build muscle and drain excessive fluid stagnation.

The History of Congee as Medicine

The popularization of congee for medicinal purposes goes back to the Tang Dynasty, the period between 618 to 907 AD, considered to be one of the glorious and progressive periods of civilization in Chinese history. 

Much later during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), one of the most prominent physicians in the history of Chinese Medicine, Li Shi-zhen listed 62 medicinal congees in his classic herbal compendium called Ben Cao Gan Mu, or The Great Outline of Materia Medica.

Today, congee has become a daily staple in Chinese cuisine and an important part of healing regimens for people with digestive disorders and general weakness.

Hydration as a Basis for Yin Nourishment

The Yin aspect of the body relates to the fluids and its structure. Therefore, hydration along with protein dense foods that nourish collagen are critical to maintain your Yin and keep your body’s tissues moist, your joints supple, your skin and muscles firm, your hair lustrous and blood vessels strong. 

The word collagen is rooted in the Greek word '“kolla” meaning glue, denoting the important function of collagen to help maintain the integrity and elasticity of your structure.

As we’ve all experienced, when glue dries up it loses its ability to bind and hold things together. The same thing happens as we age—our collagen dries up and the body gets brittle and flabby.

Your body’s hormones are also a form of Yin.  As Yin declines with aging, the hormones become depleted and along with this development are symptoms of dryness including dry skin, dry joints, dry eyes, and dry mucous membranes.

The decline of Yin is a natural process of aging, but this process of degeneration can be sped up or slowed down depending on your lifestyle.

Yin dries up when heat is generated by the body through any form of excess in your life.

This can be a result of overwork, excessive exercise, excessive exposure to the sun, excessive use of stimulants, alcohol and certain medications, and excessive sexual activity.

How to Support Your Yin

Diet is a key component to support the nourishment of your Yin.

If your diet is moistening and hydrating, your Yin will tend to be healthy. On the other hand, if your diet is too drying which generates heat, this will tend to damage your Yin and lead to accelerated aging.

What you eat thus makes a huge difference in maintaining your constitutional Yin and your exposure to foods that are drying, overheating and overstimulating all contribute to a more rapid deterioration of your Yin.

Since your dietary choices determine to a great extent how you nourish your Yin, this gives you the power to support this critical aspect of your body and your life.

According to Chinese Medicine, the Spleen and Stomach organs are the basis of postnatal nourishment by supporting the production of Stomach Yin.

Stomach Yin equates to the fluids generated by the digestive process that maintain the Yin for all the other systems of the body.

Stomach Fluids as the Basis of Wellness

The Yin produced by the Stomach is called the Jin-Ye which is simply known as the Stomach Fluids.  In Chinese Medicine, however, the Jin and the Ye are different types of fluids that support different structures.

Jin is considered to be the Thin Fluids and Ye is the Thick Fluids.

A western medical association would be the fluids produced and released by the exocrine glands are Thin Fluids and fluids released by the endocrine glands are Thick Fluids.

Exocrine glands secrete fluid through ducts both internally and to the exterior of the body. Endocrine glands, on the other hand, secrete fluids (including hormones) directly into the blood to regulate metabolism, growth, reproduction and other functions.

The Thin ‘Jin’ exocrine fluids moisten the sensory orifices including the eyes, nose, mouth and ears so they can function properly and discharge fluids to the exterior.

The Thin Fluids also nourish the skin to produce sweat and help nourish the skin, the hair and the sinews to keep the tendons strong and supple.  

The Thin Jin fluids also transform into Wei Qi, which is not a liquid but a gaseous state that flows both internally and externally to provide protection as it supports your immune system. Through the transformation of the Thin Jin Fluids into Wei Qi, the thyroid gland also gets supported by the Stomach’s Yin.

The Thick Ye endocrine fluids, on the other hand, condense and become heavy which draws the thick Ye fluids inward into the level of something solid to nourish the organs, the bones, the marrow, and the brain. 

The Thick Ye Fluids are also the basis for the body’s sexual reproductive hormones indicating how diet is key in supporting not only fertility but also regeneration of the body.

Eat Congee to Nourish Your Stomach Yin

Soups and stews are a fundamental way to nourish your fluids and support all of these important systems.

The basic recipe to cook soupy rice congee is as follows:

  1. Preparation: rinse the rice. For long grain and especially brown rice, after rinsing cover the rice with water in a bowl and soak overnight in the refrigerator. Pour the water out then cook. This will allow the rice to break-up more in the cooking process and create a creamier porridge.

  2. Cook 1 cup rice to 5-8 cups of water to create a soupy gruel. The more starchy short-grain rice makes for a more creamy congee but long grain basmati and brown rice can also be used. First bring the water to boil, add the rice and reduce the flame to a simmer.

  3. Add sea salt or pink Himalayan salt to taste. Cook for 2 or more hours depending on the consistency you want to create.

    If you intend to create a soupy congee, put more water and cook longer. If you want a more savory and nourishing congee, substitute Bone Broth for a portion of the water.

Congee can also be prepared in a crock pot overnight.

After preparing the basic soup, you can add meat and vegetables to your taste to enhance the flavor of the congee and add in extra protein and nutrients.

After preparing the basic soup, you can add meat and vegetables to your taste to enhance the flavor of the congee and add in extra protein and nutrients.


Add 5 individual scallions (green onion) chopped with about 1 inch chunk of ginger sliced or diced.

Scallions and ginger are included especially when a person feels an acute chill and body aches with early onset of a cold. If a person tends to just feel sensitivity to cold, a weak appetite, symptoms of nausea, then simply adding ginger is best to warm up the Spleen and Stomach and enhance digestion.

Ginger is also anti-inflammatory and therefore benefits indigestion or gastric upset due to stomach inflammation caused by a deficiency of stomach acid (hydrochloric acid/HCL), or what is called Cold in the Stomach according to Chinese Medicine.

To add more protein to your congee, you can consider stirring in about 5 grams of Collagen Peptides and this can be consumed 2-3 times per day.

And as the photo suggests, you can add in meat and vegetables to your cooked congee to create a more wholesome meal.

When to Be Cautious with Regular Consumption of Congee

Even though one of the great benefits of congee is its hydrating property, the most common grain used for its preparation is rice which is a diuretic. Therefore if you suffer from frequent or excessive urination, known as polyuria, you need to eat rice congee with some caution so as to not overstimulate the loss of fluids. 

Polyuria is often rooted in a Qi deficiency and more severely excessive urination can be associated with a Yang deficiency if a person is also very cold and weak. 

In addition, barley and mung beans are often eaten as porridge for detoxification and these too are diuretics. So extra caution needs to be taken if excessive urination is a problem since diuretics will further drain the Qi and exhaust the Yang making a person colder and weaker.

Therefore, if you want to use congee to build back the strength of your digestive system and polyuria is a concern, I suggest using millet rather than rice or barley to reduce the diuretic effect of your porridge.

In Summary

Nourishing your Stomach Fluids through hydrating foods is fundamental to nourish every aspect of your body.

Congee which is most commonly a rice porridge that is also made from a other grains and some legumes is a staple in Chinese cuisine to nourish Stomach fluids, restore gut health and heal a variety of health disorders.

In fact, there are a plethora of modifications to make congee a medicine to remedy many health conditions. This article is an introduction to this rich and important part of Chinese Medicine cuisine and we’ll be presenting specific recipes used to address many of today’s common ailments in our nutrition program that will be available soon.


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Salvador Cefalu, M.S., L.Ac. is Founder & Co-Director of A Center for Natural Healing in Santa Clara, CA, a wellness clinic he runs with his wife, Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac., that specializes in Classical Chinese Medicine & Japanese Meridian Therapy, a rare non-insertion form of Acupuncture using Gold and Silver needles. Learn more at www.acenterfornaturalhealing.com.

Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac. is Co-Owner and Director of A Center for Natural Healing in Santa Clara, California, a health and wellness clinic that specializes in Classical Chinese Medicine and Traditional Japanese Acupuncture. Dr. Moafi offers a one-of-a-kind form of empowerment coaching, clinical services, and transformational workshops and online courses that blend the ancient practices of Classical Chinese Medicine and Yoga. More information at www.setarehmoafi.com

Don't Let Low Libido Get You Down

by Salvador Cefalu, M.S., L.Ac.

One of the most common complaints I hear from patients of all ages is low sex drive. Today with so many people overworking, we see this problem with younger and younger patients.

Understanding the core causes of low sex drive can lead to effective treatment with Chinese Medicine. Since the sexual reproductive system is driven by the Kidney’s energy we often need to focus on restoring Kidney Essence and Kidney Yang Qi to restore both sexual drive and function.

The genesis of low libido patterns often arise due to exhaustion from an imbalanced lifestyle. When too much is demanded of the body’s resources from overwork and stress to overindulgence in sex, drugs and late nights, the body’s Essence and Yang Qi simply eventually can’t keep up and low libido can develop regardless of one’s age.

In general, low libido and decreased sexual performance are often rooted in damaging lifestyle patterns which include a chronic lack of sleep, excessive use of stimulants and recreational drugs, excessive sexual activity and, of course, exhaustion from overworking and stress.

Furthermore, low libido is occurring more frequently in younger individuals these days because in general the constitutional Essence of the younger generation isn’t as strong as older generations who lived closer to the earth and had simpler lifestyles.

Of course, the physical demands on the older generations was often quite extreme and people in general didn’t live as long as we do today, but these prior generations grew up on wholesome natural foods void of the sugar and food additives found in today’s modern American diet.

Beginning with the advent of TV dinners in the mid-1950’s and prepared frozen meals, the Standard American diet started to decline. Add in an increase in sugar and chemicals in the diet of young people and newer generation mothers will tend to develop weaker constitutions which will impact their offspring’s constitution as well. Furthermore, this situation has been exacerbated with the poor toxic diets children grow up on from birth to adulthood.

With this said, we can see why low libido is a more common issue today than years past along with the issue of infertility which has become a booming industry because of these factors.

In environments like Silicon Valley where I practice Chinese Medicine, work and life-stress in general is extremely high and this creates a chronic situation where unnatural demands on the body’s resources to support stress hormones far exceeds the need to produce sexual reproductive hormones.

This exposure to chronic stress over time can lead to sexual dysfunction, including erectile dysfunction (ED) as well as infertility.

It’s no wonder a study many years ago demonstrated that 50% of the infertile women who practiced meditation daily ended up getting pregnant. 50% got pregnant naturally from simply relaxing! Meditation and relaxation helped regulate their sexual hormones so they were able to get pregnant through natural means.

The end result of extreme daily stress can not only lead you to feeling tired, but can also lead to a lack of interest or energy to engage in sex. This is because if your body is working overtime during periods of high stress, your resources will be utilized to produce stress hormones and therefore reduces the resources necessary to produce sexual hormones to help your body regenerate and support healthy reproductive function—which is also why long term stress accelerates the aging process.

Even if improving your sexual function is not your priority, this topic is important so you understand how to preserve youthfulness and ensure graceful aging.

Your Jing

Maintaining healthy DNA relates to maintaining your Jing. The organ system that stores and preserves your Jing is the Kidney system. The adrenal glands are also a part of the Kidney organ system. For example, when a woman goes into menopause and her ovaries shut down, the adrenal glands take over the production of sexual hormones, including estrogen and progesterone.

It’s thus essential that a woman struggling with menopause supports her adrenal glands during this transitional period. This is why overworked women with exhausted adrenal glands are prone to suffer from menopausal symptoms such as hot flushing and night sweats.

Your Jing can also be impacted by emotional trauma. Since the Kidneys relate to the emotion of fear and shock, a person who has gone through great trauma can also develop weakened Kidney’s Essence, which can lead to reproductive problems and menopausal symptoms as well.

In Chinese Medicine, Jing is a reflection of the status of Yin, which is a form of fluids. As a form of fluids, Blood helps to nourish Yin. It’s therefore essential to keep the blood strong to support the nourishment of the Kidney Yin.

According to Chinese Medicine, the Liver Blood protects the Kidney Essence from declining, so supporting the Liver to store blood is key to protecting your Jing and preserving your youthfulness.

A diet that includes red meat such as beef, lamb and bison supports the Liver to store blood. If a person has weak blood and is a vegetarian, it’s indeed much more difficult to help the Liver store blood especially in terms of supporting fertility.

One of my first Chinese Medicine teachers who specialized in treating infertility would turn away patients who were vegetarian if they wanted to get pregnant. This is because a diet that excludes red meat is much more challenging to build up the Liver’s Blood than a meat-based diet.

Animal products such as beef and lamb support both the Yin and Yang aspects of the Kidneys so these are powerful, vitalizing foods. When a person is working hard physically or mentally and suffering from sexual reproduction problems like infertility and low libido, boosting the Yin with cholesterol foods supports the raw material for hormone production.

Fortify Your Yang Qi to Boost Your Libido

Four-legged animals like cows and lambs are imbued with a lot of Yang Qi energy, so eating this type of meat can quickly fortify your Yang to enhance energy and sexual performance.

In addition, Acupuncture and Qi Gong are modalities that can help fortify your Yang Qi. Along with consumption of animal products, these powerful practices can help enhance your libido and sexual reproductive functions.

Enhancing your Qi with Acupuncture and Qi Gong helps stimulate Yang Qi to strengthen the production and consolidation of Yin to support your sexual reproduction system. And as your body becomes more balanced through these modalities, sleep will improve and your Yin will also increase because resting is key to regenerating and preserving your Kidney Yin. Increasing your Kidney Yin equates to increasing the production of reproductive hormones such as testosterone, estrogen and progesterone to help restore and optimize sexual function.

Here are some herbs that can help out as well.

*Five Herbs to Support Your Sex Drive

Herbal medicine is an important aspect of Chinese Medicine to support your Liver to store Blood and boost your Kidneys’ Yin and Yang energies. Though I’m discussing some individual herbs as examples in this article, it’s important to understand that in the practice of Chinese Medicine, we do not generally prescribe herbs individually but rather we use them synergistically in formulas to counterbalance any side effects.

Since supporting your adrenals is key to boosting your Kidneys, I’ve chosen to share some common herbs that support both adrenal function and sexual health. These herbs include Ashwaganda, Gotu Kola, Holy Basil (Tulsi), Epimedium (also called the ‘Horny Goat Weed’ and Yin Yang Huo) and Cuscuta Seed (also called Chinese Dodder Seed and Tu Si Zi in Chinese Medicine).

  1. Ashwagandha is a popular herb that’s native to India. Ashwagandha is known as Indian Ginseng and is especially useful for men with low testosterone, low sperm count and low libido. It also helps reduce anxiety and boosts GABA, a brain neurotransmitter that both helps you relax when overstressed and promotes sleep, which is critical to restore adrenal strength.

    Since Ashwagandha is considered a Kidney Yin and Yang tonic, it can potentially be too warming for some patients so keep this in mind when using it. It has been shown to increase the adrenal’s production of DHEA, a precursor hormone for testosterone, estrogen and progesterone. It’s also been found to reduce depression.

    Generally speaking, Ashwagandha is considered a supportive agent for low libido and erectile dysfunction, but keep in mind if you have Yin deficiency with heat signs, Ashwaganda can create too much heat in the body.

    In these cases, it’s best to nourish the body’s Yin and slowly introduce a warming agent like Ashwagandha along with cooling Yin nourishing herbs. Often times, once the Kidneys’ Yin is nourished, warming stimulants are not even necessary.

    Yin burns out first then the body’s Yang weakens, so it’s important to nourish Yin to recover your Yang Qi. Since resting is a Yin activity, rest is essential for recuperating your vitality.

  2. Gotu Kola is one of my favorite brain herbs. Gotu Kola strongly benefits brain health by improving circulation and thereby increasing oxygenation into the brain. Gotu Kola has also been found to promote regeneration of brain nerve cells.

    Since the brain is considered the seat of the Kidney’s Jing, we can see how Gotu Kola is a potent Kidney tonic.

    Gotu Kola is also known for its ability to improve memory recall. Since memory recall is a function of the Liver in Chinese Medicine, we can make the association of how Gotu Kola supports the Liver’s Blood.

    With such potent brain function benefits, it’s no wonder Gotu Kola has long been considered an important longevity herb.

    In terms of libido, Gotu Kola is also considered an aphrodisiac and this is possibly due to its enhancement of blood circulation, which can help with supporting erection and sexual satisfaction. Gotu Kola also helps calm the nervous system and reduces anxiety as well as depression which can also benefit one’s sexual desire.

    As a blood invigorating herb, it can potentially overstimulate menstruation and is contraindicated during pregnancy. Because of these side effects it’s always advised to consult an herbal professional when using herbal supplements

  3. Holy Basil is a common Ayurvedic herb used to support adrenal health. Holy Basil is also called Tulsi meaning “Sacred Plant” in the Ayurvedic tradition.

    Holy Basil helps reduce cortisol levels and therefore has a potent stress reducing action on the body.

    By reducing cortisol, it allows the adrenal glands to conserve energy and resources for the production of sex hormones rather than stress hormones. This is why even though Holy Basil is an adrenal supporting herb, it’s more of a relaxant than a stimulant that helps with anxiety and stress management.

    Ironically, Holy Basil can actually reduce sexual desire, but the reason I’ve included it in this discussion on low libido is that if you’re exhausted from overwork and stress, it’s essential to first recuperate your energy before you can expect to frolic between the sheets.

    An important warning when using Holy Basil is that it’s so strong in winding down a hyped up neuroendocrine system that if you’re already burned out, you may feel worse when taking it. In such cases, Holy Basil should be augmented with other supportive herbal agents or avoided altogether.

    Holy Basil can also reduce blood sugar so if a person has hypoglycemia, Holy Basil may not be well tolerated and contraindicated. Ideally, Holy Basil is for the very hyper type person who can’t seem to slow down and relax and not a person who is already dragging.

    For the overly exhausted person who feels cold and uninterested in sex, an herb like Epimedium, also known as Horny Goat Weed, may be more appropriate.

  4. Epimedium is one of the important herbs to add into a formula when a person is truly lacking a sex drive but not overheated from Yin deficiency.

    What this means is a person should not be too dry and hot inside because Horny Goat Weed will exacerbate an overheated body and cause further burnout.

    Under the right conditions, Epimedium can be a true wonder herb when someone needs a boost with their sexual appetite and sexual potency especially when used at the right time and with assistant Yin tonic herbs to balance out its overly warming side effects.

  5. Cuscuta Seed (Tu Si Zi) is an important herb used in Chinese Herbal Medicine to strengthen the Kidney Yang Qi and nourish the Kidney Yin. It also helps astringe Jing to reduce the loss of Essence if premature ejaculation and urinary frequency are problems.

    By benefiting Kidney Yang, Cuscuta seeds also help boost sexual desire and reduce sexual impotence.

    Since Cuscuta seeds also nourish both the Kidney and Livers’ Yin, this herb helps strengthen the lumbar spine for lower back pain problems which as you can imagine will improve one’s sexual performance as well. In addition, in terms of nourishing the Livers’ Yin, Cuscuta seeds help reduce blurry vision and spots before the eyes. This herb is often combined with Gou Qi Zi berries to improve the vision and I have had personal experience with the benefits of these herbs for vision enhancement and use them periodically when my vision seems to weaken.

In Summary

While Chinese Medicine is a complex study that offers many herbs to support low libido and sexual function, these are some common herbs you may be familiar with that are used today in modern herbalism for low libido and what I will call ‘sexual rehabilitation’.

For any reproduction issue it’s imperative to keep the Liver Blood strong because this is how the Kidney Yin maintains its health. In addition, once the Yin and Blood are depleted, the Yang will suffer and this will compromise the sex drive and libido.

The herbs presented in this article are supportive agents to nourish the Liver Blood and strengthen the Kidney Yin and Yang energies of the body and thereby help normalize sexual reproduction functions.

*This article is for educational purposes only and it’s strongly advised that you consult a medical professional who specializes in herbal medicine before embarking on using these potent substances. Remember that even though an herb may seem appropriate for you, it may be contraindicated with your specific health pattern or need to be used in conjunction with other herbs to balance its side effects.

Salvador Cefalu, M.S., L.Ac. is Founder & Co-Director of A Center for Natural Healing in Santa Clara, CA, a wellness clinic he runs with his wife, Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac., that specializes in Classical Chinese Medicine & Japanese Meridian Therapy, a rare non-insertion form of Acupuncture using Gold and Silver needles. Learn more at www.acenterfornaturalhealing.com.

6 Insights to Cultivate a Healthy Winter Season

by Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac. and Salvador Cefalu, M.S., L.Ac.

Near the top of Mount Titlis in the Swiss Alps.

Near the top of Mount Titlis in the Swiss Alps.

We recently returned from a beautiful trip to Switzerland where we felt like we were able to slow down and enjoy the feeling of Winter and the holiday season. Watching snow fall and walking through the Christmas markets transported us into a true Winter Wonderland. 

Being in the cold also reminded us why wintertime is the most appropriate time to become more Yin. This naturally Yin, cold time of the year encourages rest and contemplation, both of which help us consolidate our energy and bring closure to our past.

Winter is the season related to the Kidney system. The Kidneys hold the essential energy of the body, known as Jing, which is related to our DNA and the inner self. We're born with a finite amount of this Jing, so living a healthy, long life requires the conservation of Jing through adequate rest and self-cultivation. 

Winter is the ideal time to cultivate yourself through rest and relaxation in order to consolidate and conserve your energy.

The Kidneys store your Life Gate Fire, called Ming Men; the strongest source of Yang Qi that brings power to your body and motivation to your mind. This energy creates the Zhi, or Willpower, that drives ambition and your will to live.

Finding balance is about the balance between being Yin, at rest, and being Yang, active.

Being too Yin causes stagnation in the body and being too Yang overheats and burns out the body.

On a physical level, the Kidney system includes the kidneys, the adrenal glands, the reproductive organs, the brain, the ears and hearing, and the bones or skeletal structure. 

Since the sex organs are an aspect of the Kidneys, excessive sexual activity has the most direct and exhaustive impact on the Kidney's Qi and releasing sexual fluids also exhausts the Jing, which is your most valuable commodity in life. Through the loss of Yin fluids, the body cannot stay insulated and maintain its heat so the body gets cold and over time the tissues dry up and wrinkle. Thus the decline of Kidney Yin and Yang relates to accelerated aging.

Cultivation practices are essential to consolidate the Kidney's Yin and Yang energies to slow down the aging process.

Self-cultivation practices involve daily exercises that increase flexibility and move Qi such as Qi Gong, Yoga and Tai Chi. In addition, emptying the mind through daily Meditation practice is the most powerful and important practice to allow the body's deepest energies to circulate. 

The Winter Solstice marks a change of seasons through the longest night of the year. 

While New Year's resolutions are powerful, Winter is not the time to bring new ideas and plans to fruition.

The seasonal energy of Winter is about going within ourselves and consolidating our energy so we have the power to sprout our intentions during the following, Yang season of Spring.

6 Insights to Help You Have a Healthy Winter Season

1) Go to bed early and sleep, sleep, sleep. Resting and deep, uninterrupted sleep help consolidate your Yin energy to support regeneration at this time of year. For those who have difficulty sleeping well, Chinese herbal medicine and Essential Oils are often very effective to cool and relax your Liver and nourish your Heart blood to support a calm mind for restful sleep.

2) Nurture your Earth digestive energy (Spleen and Stomach Qi) with cooked foods, including lots of soup and stews. This is important during every seasonal transition. Avoid cold, raw food and drinks which reduce your digestive energy and lower your body's core temperature.

Here's a healing Rice Congee recipe: Bring 7 cups water or chicken stock to a boil and then slowly simmer 1 cup long-grain white rice. Cook for about an hour stirring every 15-20 minutes. Add water if necessary to keep it soupy. Add bone broth, ginger slices, green scallion onions and any type of meat or eggs as desired. Eating a cup of congee at end of each meal is very potent medicine to strengthen a weak digestive system. 

Salvador practicing Qi Gong on a crisp morning in Oberohringen, Switzerland

Salvador practicing Qi Gong on a crisp morning in Oberohringen, Switzerland

3) Keep your body's core temperature warm to protect the Life Gate Fire of the Kidneys. If you’re feeling cold, increase your body's metabolism by eating more warming meats such as lamb, beef, pork, buffalo and wild game like venison, elk and moose.  It's also important to keep your feet, head and belly warm to preserve your Kidney Qi. 

4) Exercise to boost your metabolism and circulation but don't exhaust yourself or sweat too much. Sweating excessively dries up your Yin fluids. Practice more Qi Gong, Yoga and Tai Chi to move and strengthen your Qi. Click here to join us for our special New Year's Eve Yoga-Qi Gong class. You can also learn more and register for the one-of-a-kind Yin Yoga Immersion with Dr. Moafi in the new year by clicking here.

5) Meditate daily and focus on what's good in your life. What we focus on expands, so stay positive by keeping a daily journal of gratitude to help highlight all the good things in your life each day. In addition, 10-15 minutes of daily meditation helps to begin the process of emptying the mind. This simple 10 minute meditation will help get you started. 

6) Bring completion to things in your life. This is a great time to let go of a bad relationship or job that keeps you feeling stuck and unfulfilled so you can harvest and create space for those new plans to sprout forth in the coming Spring. Winter is the time for bringing closure when there are loose ends tying up your energy.


Thank you for helping make our year so special. Wishing you and your loved ones a nourishing Winter and holiday season!

With love,

Setareh & Salvador

Salvador Cefalu, M.S., L.Ac. is the Founder & Co-Director of A Center for Natural Healing in Santa Clara, California, a health and wellness clinic run by he and his wife, Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac. that specializes in Classical Chinese Medicine. Salvador is a leading U.S. practitioner of Japanese Meridian Therapy, a rare form of non-insertion Acupuncture using Gold & Silver needles. More information at www.acenterfornaturalhealing.com.

Setareh Moafi, Ph.D., L.Ac. is Co-Owner and Director of A Center for Natural Healing in Santa Clara, California, a health and wellness clinic that specializes in Classical Chinese Medicine and Traditional Japanese Acupuncture. Dr. Moafi offers clinical services and transformational workshops that blend the ancient practices of Classical Chinese Medicine and Yoga. More information at www.setarehmoafi.com and www.acenterfornaturalhealing.com