(Episode 70) Unleashing Your Power

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In episode 67 you learned how you can use the Water Path to ground yourself and in episode 69 we discussed how the Fire Path can help you to lighten up. In this episode, you’ll learn how you can use the Water Path to generate energy to tap into your power and potential.

The Fire Path creates short term energy bursts, while the Water Path gives you endurance and stamina. But in order to have more energy, you have to rest.

You’ll learn a special Water Path breathing exercise to help you generate power and realize that you’re much stronger than you think [06:10].

We often think we have to exert a lot of energy to achieve our goals (Fire energy) but if we rest and use intention (Water energy) we become more powerful than we ever believed we could be.

There is unlimited potential within us, but we often don’t tap into it because we try to do it through striving instead of through cultivating ourselves. The actions we do or want to do are just as important as the intentions behind those actions.

Water Path breathing is stabilizing and is a great practice for any standing or movement activity.

It’s important to have intention around your posture because not paying attention to where your energy is going can lead to burnout.

Awareness is the first step to healing and the first step to maintain and build your energy. When you do the Water Path breathing exercise while you’re sitting or standing, you’ll not only cultivate your Qi, but you’ll also strengthen your Spleen, which is a major component of your gut health.

Improving your gut health or maintaining your gut health is essential to your mental clarity. Many of the neurotransmitters and hormones we once thought were produced in the brain are actually produced in the gut.

When you sit or stand for long periods it taxes the Spleen, as does overthinking, and all of this eventually impacts your body’s ability to produce neurotransmitters. This can cause you to feel more depressed or feel off in some way. You won’t be able to focus, and it effects your immune system. 70% of your immune cells are produced in your gut.

The other important thing to remember is hydration which is discussed in depth at the end of the episode.

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Resources Mentioned This Episode:

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